Press Release
Cosmo Energy HoldingsCosmo Earns Highest “Gold” Rating in PRIDE Index 2024 for its LGBTQ+ Inclusivity Initiatives ~Seeks to Promote a Workplace Environment Where Diverse Talent Can Thrive~
Cosmo OilCosmo Oil, JGC, and REVO International Enter into Agreement with Sakai City to Promote the Recycling of Used Cooking Oil into SAF and Other Products Household Used Cooking Oil Collection Boxes to Be Permanently Installed at Five AEON MALL Locations in Osaka Prefecture
Cosmo Energy Holdings IR EventNotice of Acquisition Status of Treasury Stock and Completion of Stock Repurchases (Acquisition of Treasury Shares Pursuant to the Provisions of the Articles of Incorporation Pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 165 of the Companies Act)
Cosmo Energy Holdings SettlementPresentation Material (PDF/3.9M)
Cosmo Energy Holdings SettlementOverview of Business Results for the 2nd Quarter of FY2024 (PDF/249K)
Cosmo Energy HoldingsCosmo Eco Power to Start Supplying Electricity and Environmental Value Generated at its Goto-Hassakubana Wind Power Plant to U-NEXT HOLDINGS and U-POWER Customers via U-POWER ~Three-year Short-term Corporate PPA Concluded to Contribute to Renewable Energy Uptake~
Cosmo Energy Holdings IR EventNotice Regarding Progress on the Stock Repurchase(Repurchases of Shares of the Company’s Own Stock in Accordance with the Provisions of Articles of Incorporation Pursuant to Article 165, Paragraph 2 of the Companies Act)
Cosmo Energy HoldingsNotice Concerning Dissolution and Transfer of Shares in South Korean Para-xylene Joint Venture
Cosmo Energy HoldingsMaruzen Petrochemical to Start Exploring Ways to Optimize Ethylene Production
Cosmo Energy Holdings Cosmo Oil MarketingCosmo Begins Validation of “Cosmo Zero Carbon Credit,” a Carbon Credit Trading Service Utilizing the J-Credit Scheme Toward Realizing a Circular Carbon-Free Society
Cosmo Energy Holdings Cosmo Oil MarketingJoint Proposal by Cosmo Oil Marketing on Designating Shimonoseki City as a Decarbonization Leading Area Selected by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment
Cosmo Energy HoldingsTokyo Metro Becomes First Railway Operator to Introduce a Virtual Onshore Wind PPA Set to Partially Transition Electricity Used by Ginza Line to Virtually 100% Renewable Energy
Cosmo Energy Holdings Cosmo OilCosmo Oil and KEPCO Win Bid to Conduct Engineering Design Work of an Advanced CCS Project in FY2024
Cosmo Energy Holdings Cosmo Oil MarketingCosmo Denki (Electricity) Business Green Rolled Out at Over 3,000 Government Agency, Local Government, and Corporate Facilities ~Supporting Local Governments and Corporations Looking to Decarbonize Their Operations Through the Supply of Renewable Energy-derived Electricity~
Cosmo Energy Holdings IR EventNotice Regarding Progress on the Stock Repurchase(Repurchases of Shares of the Company’s Own Stock in Accordance with the Provisions of Articles of Incorporation Pursuant to Article 165, Paragraph 2 of the Companies Act)
Cosmo Energy Holdings Cosmo Oil MarketingCosmo to Begin Supplying 100% Renewable Energy-derived Electricity to All Municipal Elementary and Junior High Schools in Tokyo’s Adachi City, Enabling an Approximately 6,624-ton Annual CO2 Reduction Across 102 Schools
Cosmo Energy Holdings Cosmo Oil MarketingCosmo to Begin Newly Supplying 100% Renewable Energy-derived Electricity to All Sakai City Schools and Water Supply and Sewerage Facilities, Marking the Largest Introduction of Renewable Energy at Municipal Public Facilities in Osaka Prefecture
Cosmo OilJOGMEC selected a feasibility study on the establishment of an overseas CCS value chain in the “Engineering Design Work for Advanced CCS Projects” in FY2024
Cosmo Energy Holdings Cosmo OilCosmo Energy Group Gives Presentation on Generative AI-Driven Refinery Digitization at Cognite Atlas AI Summit in Tokyo
Cosmo Energy HoldingsCosmo Conducts Crisis Response Headquarters Earthquake Business Continuity Plan Drill
Cosmo Energy Holdings IR EventNotice Regarding Progress on the Stock Repurchase(Repurchases of Shares of the Company’s Own Stock in Accordance with the Provisions of Articles of Incorporation Pursuant to Article 165, Paragraph 2 of the Companies Act)
Cosmo Energy Holdings Cosmo Oil MarketingCosmo to Begin Supplying 100% Renewable Energy-derived Electricity to Machida City’s Naruse Clean Center, Enabling a 12,300-ton Annual CO2 Reduction Across 67 Facilities
Cosmo OilCosmo Oil’s Sakai Refinery Becomes First Facility in Japan to Obtain Special Accredited Advanced Safety Inspector Certification (A-Certification)
Cosmo Energy Holdings SettlementPresentation Material (PDF/3.5M)
Cosmo Energy Holdings SettlementOverview of Business Results for the 1st Quarter of FY2024 (PDF/245K)
Cosmo Energy HoldingsCosmo and JR West Sign Basic Agreement Toward Further Expansion of Renewable Energy ~Efforts to be Driven by Virtual PPA Centered on Wind Power Generation~
Cosmo Energy Holdings IR IR EventNotice Regarding Progress on the Stock Repurchase(Repurchases of Shares of the Company’s Own Stock in Accordance with the Provisions of Articles of Incorporation Pursuant to Article 165, Paragraph 2 of the Companies Act)
Cosmo Energy HoldingsNotice Regarding Formulation of the Green Finance Framework
Cosmo Energy HoldingsCosmo Eco Power Signs Corporate Power Purchase Agreement with Amazon to Supply Renewable Energy from New Mutsu-Ogawara Wind Farm
Cosmo Energy HoldingsNotice Regarding Progress on the Stock Repurchase (Repurchases of Shares of the Company’s Own Stock in Accordance with the Provisions of Articles of Incorporation Pursuant to Article 165, Paragraph 2 of the Companies Act)
Cosmo Oil Cosmo Oil MarketingUsed Cooking Oil Collection Promotion Campaign “Tokyo Fry to Fly Project” Cosmo Oil Kicks Off Pilot Initiative to Collect Household Cooking Oil at Service Stations for Use in Production of Japan’s First SAF
Cosmo Energy HoldingsThe Company’s View, Policy, Etc. Concerning Reduction of Investment Unit
Cosmo Energy HoldingsMatters Concerning Controlling Shareholder, Etc
Cosmo Energy HoldingsNotice Regarding Progress on the Stock Repurchase(Repurchases of Shares of the Company’s Own Stock in Accordance with the Provisions of Articles of Incorporation Pursuant to Article 165, Paragraph 2 of the Companies Act)
Cosmo Energy HoldingsCosmo Energy Holdings Accelerates its Digital Transformation with the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform
Cosmo Energy Holdings SettlementPresentation Material (PDF/1.3M)
Cosmo Energy Holdings SettlementOverview of Business Results of FY2023 (PDF/280K)
Cosmo Energy HoldingsNotice Regarding Stock Repurchase(Repurchases of Shares of the Company’s Own Stock in Accordance with the Provisions of Articles of Incorporation Pursuant to Article 165, Paragraph 2 of the Companies Act)
Cosmo Energy HoldingsNotice Regarding Revision of Policy on Shareholder Returns
Cosmo Energy HoldingsNotice Regarding Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
Cosmo Energy HoldingsAnnouncement of Changes in Directors
Cosmo Energy HoldingsNotice Concerning Capital and Business Alliance Between Cosmo Energy Holdings Co., Ltd. and Iwatani Corporation
Cosmo Energy Holdings Cosmo Oil MarketingCosmo Oil Marketing Concludes Capital and Business Alliance Agreement with EV Motors Japan
Cosmo Energy HoldingsNotice of Discussions Regarding a Capital and Business Alliance Between Cosmo Energy Holdings Co., Ltd. And Iwatani Corporation.
Cosmo Energy HoldingsNotice of Change in Other Affiliated Company
Cosmo Oil MarketingCosmo Oil Marketing Obtains PrivacyMark Certification
Cosmo Energy HoldingsCOSMO REPORT 2023 wins Award for Excellence at the Nikkei Integrated Report Award 2023
Cosmo Energy Holdings SettlementPresentation Material (PDF/1.31M)
Cosmo Energy Holdings SettlementOverview of Business Results for the 3rd Quarter of FY2023 (PDF/225K)
Cosmo Energy HoldingsNotice of Change of Representative Director
Cosmo Energy HoldingsAnnouncement of Changes in Directors and Executive Officers
Cosmo Energy HoldingsAnnouncement of Changes in General Managers (Effective April 1, 2024)
Cosmo Energy HoldingsAnnouncement of Organizational Changes (Effective April 1, 2024)
Cosmo Energy Exploration and ProductionAnnouncement of Changes in General Managers (Effective April 1, 2024)
Cosmo Energy Exploration and ProductionAnnouncement of Organizational Changes (Effective April 1, 2024)
Cosmo OilAnnouncement of Changes in Directors and Auditors
Cosmo OilAnnouncement on Changes in General Managers (Effective April 1, 2024)
Cosmo OilAnnouncement of Organizational Changes (Effective April 1, 2024)
Cosmo Oil MarketingAnnouncement of Changes in General Managers (Effective April 1, 2024)
Cosmo Energy HoldingsCosmo Energy Commences Validation of its Power Storage Business