At the Cosmo Energy Group, we aim to achieve sustainable development (sustainability) through the stable supply of energy and the provision of related services, guided by our Group Management Vision, "In striving for harmony and symbiosis between our planet, man and society, we aim for sustainable growth towards a future of limitless possibilities," and in line with our brand statement – "Filling Up Your Hearts, Too."
"Filling Up Your Hearts, Too" embodies our desire to be a company that brings joy and happiness to everyone we serve, regardless of the day and age. Even now, various global-scale social issues are emerging as technology advances and the business environment undergoes rapid change. Considering the needs of the times, the Cosmo Energy Group is committed to exercising our resourcefulness to be a company capable of giving shape to the concept of "Filling Up Your Hearts, Too" at any given moment.

Shigeru Yamada
Representative Director, Group CEO
Cosmo Energy Holdings, Co., Ltd.
To maximize the value we provide as a corporation in this era of rapid change, we have formulated "Vision 2030" as our medium- to long-term aspiration and launched The Seventh Consolidated Medium-Term Management Plan, starting in fiscal 2023, under the slogan "Oil & New ~Next Stage~." In addition to safely and stably delivering petroleum-based energy, our current core business, to our customers and generating solid earnings, we will reinvest profits in renewable energy and related services that will support the coming era and nurture our next-generation business portfolio. In this way, we will work to ensure the sustained stabilization of profits for the Cosmo Energy Group as a whole.
Although fossil fuels have historically driven economic growth since the Industrial Revolution, and we have depended on them for our business, fossil fuels have also been a significant burden on the global environment. Therefore, in the early 2000s, the Cosmo Energy Group began environmental management efforts, which serve as the foundation of ESG management – curbing CO2 emissions associated with corporate activities, establishing a fund with COSMO customers, and undertaking planting and nature restoration activities. Furthermore, as various issues have become apparent, including climate change and underlying poverty and human rights violations, we have broadened our activity scope. We are now focusing on sustainable management from the perspective of sustainable development (sustainability).
"Filling Up Your Hearts, Too," COSMO remains committed to challenging ourselves so that we can continue to be an energy company that helps facilitate harmony and symbiosis between our planet, humans and society in these changing times. We will keep you informed of the challenges we take on here on our website, and look forward to your continued support over the very long term.