Health Management Policy
The Cosmo Energy Group Management Vision is, “Striving for an infinite tomorrow, developing sustainably in harmony with humanity, society, and our planet.” True to our Vision, we recognize that the physical and mental health of officers and employees, who are the source of corporate value creation, forms the foundation for sustainable growth.
We also recognize that, in order to ensure a safe, stable supply of high-quality products and services, we must maintain a work environment that is conducive to the mental and physical health of officers and employees and allows them to make the most of their abilities. The Cosmo Energy Group Code of Conduct (“the Code of Conduct”) indicates that we work to maintain and enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of officers and employees. This Health Management Policy is based on our Management Vision and Code of Conduct, and outlines our basic approach to health management initiatives at the Group.
1. Framework for initiatives
We work closely with officers and employees as well as the Cosmo Oil Health Insurance Society to maintain and enhance the physical and mental health of officers and employees.
2. Encouraging autonomous management and enhancement of health
We encourage our officers and employees to take the initiative in managing their own physical and mental health, and to make efforts to maintain and enhance their health as well as to prevent injury and illness.
3. Initiatives, including preventing health risks and early treatment
We identify health risks in accordance with the occupation and work systems at each business site and group company in order to prevent illness and mental health problems, treat them early, and prevent exacerbation and recurrence.
4. Building a conducive work environment
We foster a workplace culture that values the health of officers and employees and strives to build a healthy, rewarding working environment.
5. Communication and education
We, together with the Cosmo Oil Health Insurance Society, share this policy and engage in continuous educational and awareness-raising activities for officers and employees to improve their awareness of health (health literacy), so that they can take the initiative in managing their own health and make efforts to maintain and enhance their health as well as to prevent injury and illness.
Established: March 24, 2022