Sustainability Management Initiatives

The Cosmo Energy Group Management Vision mandates that we pursue sustainable development. Accordingly, in our Seventh Consolidated Medium-Term Management Plan, we have established a vision for each sustainability-related material issue and have set KPIs for fulfilling each vision. We are working hard to secure steady progress.


By practicing sustainability management, we seek to contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As part of this effort, we have identified risks and opportunities related to material issues, and we are implementing various initiatives to fulfill the vision we have for addressing each material issue.

Fiscal 2023 KPI Targets and Results for Material Issues

Material issuesKPIs targetResult
Climate change countermeasures30% reduction in GHG emissions* by FY2030 (vs. FY2013)15% reduction of GHG emissions
CO2 emissions reduction (Scope 1, 2)951 thousand tCO2 reduction
Contribution to reduction483 thousand tCO2 contribution reduction
Provision of clean energy, products, and services

Amount of clean fuel supplied

  • SAF supply amount: 300,000 kl by FY2030
  • Bio-ETBE supply amount: 240,000 kl
  • bio-ETBE supply: 277,000 kl
  • SAF supply: Construction of facilities underway for 30,000kl in FY2025
  • Wind power plant capacity
  • Other renewable energy generation capacity
  • Wind power plant capacity:295MW
  • Other renewable energy generation capacity : to be confirmed
  • Amount of next-generation raw materials supplied
  • Sales excluding fossil fuels
  • R&D expenses and investment in new businesses
Currently engaged in research and development of next-generation raw materials and new businesses
Structural reform of profit-making businessesCreation of investment plans for new businessesInvestments in FY2023 will focus on the SAF supply business
Promoting human resources’ success, health, and job satisfaction
  • Percentage of managerial positions held by women: 10% by 2025
  • Percentage of women in new graduates hired: 50%
  • Percentage of managerial positions held by women:7.1%(As of April 1, 2024)
  • Percentage of women in new graduates hired: 53%(As of April 1, 2024)
  •  Percentage of employees who have taken a stress check (mental health)
  •  Percentage of employees who have received lifestyle health guidance (physical health)
  • Stress Check Inspection Rate:98.7%
  • Implementing health initiatives to increase the implementation rate of specific health guidance
Investment in employee education and trainingTraining Expenses:130,000 yen/person/year
Employee awareness survey “work satisfaction/pride” score:60 pointEmployee Attitude Survey Score:60 point

Commitment to compliance and sharing of philosophy and values


Number of compliance violationsSerious compliance violations: 0

Employee awareness survey scores 

  • compliance education:83%
  • awareness of consultation helplines:94%
  • understanding of Code of Conduct:72%

Employee awareness survey scores

  • compliance education:82%
  • awareness of consultation helplines:94%
  • understanding of Code of Conduct:74%
Strengthening of Group risk management
  • Risks associated with Cosmo Energy Group priority initiatives are additionally monitored
  • Risks associated with priority initiatives undertaken by each company are monitored
  • Selection of CEG priority risks and each company's priority risks, and implementation of risk reduction plans and evaluation of implementation
  • Decided on policies regarding the establishment of Enterprise Risk Management Enterprise Risk Management structure and methodology
Digital transformation (DX)Fostering core digital personnel:900 people for FY2025

Fostering core digital personnel:389 people

Promoting awareness of DX through classroom training, business utilization, horizontal deployment of case studies, and communication with each department to achieve the goal of creating human resources.

Safe operations and stable supply
  • Number of occupational accidents
  • Number of operational accidents
  • Number of accidents with an impact on the environment
  • Supply and sales system in case of disaster or emergency: Resume within 24 hours
  • Serious occupational accidents: 0
  • Serious operational accidents: 2
  • BCP not activated

*  GHG emissions: Scope 1 and 2 emissions less reduction contributions from renewable energy and biofuels