Cosmo Oil introduced an Operations Management System (OMS) in 2016 to ensure safe operations and stable supply. The OMS serves as the basis for the operation of our refineries. Activities under the OMS are based on the three key phrases of “risk-based,” “complete follow through,” and “continuous improvement.” Via its OMS activities, the company strives to prevent failures and improve operational and safety levels.

OMS Framework

OMS Four Steps
OMS activities consist of the four steps of “creating rules and manuals,” “education and training,” “complete follow through,” and “identifying improvements.
By repeating these steps in sequence, the OMS is a mechanism and initiative to realize the vision (establishment of safe operations and stable supply).
Cosmo Oil introduced OMS indicators in FY2017 for the purpose of monitoring the implementation status of activities and taking appropriate measures if any issues are found.OMS indicators set leading and lagging indicators*1 for each requirement and measure the implementation status of each activity. Results are shared with all parties involved so that they can monitor the results and take appropriate action if there are problems.
*1. leading indicators indicate the implementation status of activities undertaken to prevent failures, while lagging indicators indicate actual performance, including failures.

Improving Operations with OMS Audits
Cosmo Oil conducts periodic internal audits on the implementation status of OMS activities to identify issues and make improvements. In fiscal 2023, the Company conducts OMS audits at the Head Office, Chiba Refinery, Yokkaichi Refinery, and Sakai Refinery to identify areas for improvement and to systematically implement complete measures.