
Number of employees

Number of employees(At the end of each financial year)

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Number of Group employees*1 Individuals 6,693 6,659 6,530  
Number of temporary employees*1 Individuals 3,698 3,589 3,686  
Number of Cosmo Oil*2 employees Individuals 2,438 2,482 2,540  
  Men Individuals 2,086 2,113 2,142  
Women Individuals 352 369 398  
Percentage women 14.4 14.9 15.7  
Number of managers   Individuals 604 597 616  
  Men Individuals 572 560 573  
Women Individuals 32 37 43  
Percentage women 5.3 6.2 7.0  
Number of non-managers   Individuals 1,662 1,664 1,751  
  Men Individuals 1,359 1,353 1,416  
Women Individuals 303 311 335  
Number of employees post-retirement age*3   Individuals 172 221 173  
  Men Individuals 155 200 153  
Women Individuals 17 21 20  
Average length of service   Years 18.3 18.3 18.1  
  Men Years 18.6 18.7 18.6  
Women Years 16.3 15.9 15.0  

*1. Number of employees in the consolidated companies of Cosmo Energy Holdings Co., Ltd.

*2. Employees employed by Cosmo Oil (including those who are currently employed by Cosmo Oil, mainly Cosmo Energy Holdings, Cosmo Oil, Cosmo Oil Marketing, and Cosmo Energy Development, as well as those who are temporarily transferred outside the company)

*3. Employees rehired after retirement at age 60 (employed by Cosmo Oil)


Note. Hereafter, items not specifically annotated are for employees employed by Cosmo Oil.

Number of individuals hired

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Number of hires (new graduates + mid-career) Individuals 88 118 153  
New graduate   Individuals 82 71 82  
  Key positions*4 Individuals 37 31 48  
Technical expert*5 Individuals 45 40 34  
Mid-career   Individuals 6 47 71  
  Key positions*4 Individuals 6 47 69  
Technical expert*5 Individuals 0 0 2  
Mid-career hires in key positions 14 60 59  
(Reference) Number of new graduates leaving within 3 years Individuals 11 2 1  
  Key positions*4 Individuals 2 1 1  
Technical expert*5 Individuals 9 1 0  

*4. Employees who are expected to oversee activities across the entire company, such as administrative positions and management positions 

*5. Employees who manage equipment operation, etc.

Progress in promoting the advancement of women in the workforce (as of April 1, 2024)

  Unit April 1, 2022 April 1, 2023 April 1, 2024 Third Party Verified
Number of employees Individuals 2,501 2,555 2,620  
Number of women in the workforce (including employees post-retirement age) Individuals 373 400 417  
Number of men in the workforce (including employees post-retirement age) Individuals 2,128 2,155 2,203  
Percentage of employees who are women (including employees post-retirement age) 14.9 15.7 15.9  
Number of managers Individuals 623 625 645  
Number of women in managerial positions (excluding employees post-retirement age) Individuals 37 42 46  
Number of men in managerial positions (excluding employees post-retirement age) Individuals 586 583 599  
Percentage of managerial positions held by women 5.9 6.7 7.1
Number of new graduates hired Individuals 26 40 30  
Number of women in new graduates hired Individuals 13 24 16  
Number of men in new graduates hired Individuals 13 16 14  
Percentage of women in new graduates hired 50 60 53

Percentage of employees who are mid-career hires*6

  Unit April 1, 2022 April 1, 2023 April 1, 2024 Third Party Verified
Mid-career hire percentage  15 20 22  
Percentage of line managers who are mid-career hires 9 11 11  

*6. Employees excluding technical expert and employees post-retirement age.

Employment of people with disabilities

  Unit June 1, 2022 June 1, 2023 June 1, 2024 Third Party Verified
Number of employees with disabilities Individuals 40 40 49  
   Subset with severe disabilities Individuals 21 20 24  
   Percentage of employees with disabilities 2.34 2.31✓ 2.76 *7

*7. Third party verified for figures as at 1 June 2024 will be available around June 2025, together with other data as at the end of FY2024.

Retiree rehiring rates

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Number of retirees Individuals 42 71 35  
  Men Individuals 38 63 31  
Women Individuals 4 8 4  
Number of retirees rehired Individuals 37 63 31  
  Men Individuals 35 55 27  
Women Individuals 2 8 4  
Percentage of retirees rehired 88 89 89  

Employee turnover

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Turnover rate*8 2.4 2.0 2.4  

*8. Percentage of employees leaving employment during each fisical year divided by the number of employees enrolled at the end of the relevant year. (excluding retirees)

Gender wage gap (average women's pay as a percentage of men's)

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Gender wage gap*9 All employees 76.0 76.0
Regular employees 75.5  76.2 
Fixed-term employees 78.2  70.6 

*9. Calculated based on total monthly salaries (excluding allowances) and bonuses paid divided by the number of recipients

Work-life balance, occupational health, and human resource development

Usage of programs to promote work-life balance

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Number eligible for childcare leave Individuals 90 94 87  
  Men Individuals 79 77 71  
Women Individuals 11 17 16  
Number who took childcare leave Individuals 60 60 87  
  Men Individuals 49 43 50  
Women Individuals 11 17 16  
Childcare leave usage rate 67 64 100  
  Men 62 56 62
Women 100 100 100
Number who took nursing care leave Individuals 0 0 1  
Shorter working hours program usage Childcare Individuals 39 36 41  
Nursing care Individuals 0 0 0  
Personal injury/illness Individuals 1 1 1  

Working hours*10

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Total regular work hours Hours 1,936 1,939 1,963  
Overtime monthly average Hours 23.1 23.3 25.5  
Maximum number of paid leave available*11 Days 21 21 21  
Average days of paid leave taken Days 21.5 21.7 21.2  
Paid leave usage rate 90.6 93.1 92.0  

*10. Cosmo Energy Holdings and three core operating companies (Cosmo Oil, Cosmo Oil Marketing, and Cosmo Energy Exploration & Production)

*11. Paid leave are granted depending on the length of service: 15 days for less than 1 year (joined in April), 17 days for 1 year, 19 days for 2 years, and 21 days for 3 years or more.

Number of labor union members and percentage of workforce*12

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Number of labor union members Individuals 3,105 3,104 3,057  
Labor union membership rate 46.4 45.3 46.8  

*12. Includes the labor unions of Cosmo Oil, Cosmo Engineering, Cosmo Matsuyama Oil, Maruzen Petrochemical, Cosmo Techno Yokkaichi, and Hokuto Kogyo

Employee health data*13

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Number who received a regular health checkup Individuals 3,204 3,129 2,691  
Participation rate 100 100 100  

*13. Includes employees of Cosmo Energy Holdings, Cosmo Oil, Cosmo Oil Marketing, Cosmo Energy Exploration & Production, and Maruzen Petrochemical

Number of inquiries to the Group's online health and counseling service*14

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Physical health Inquiries 308 188 169  
Mental health Inquiries 117 60 43  

*14. Available to employees of Cosmo Energy Holdings, Cosmo Oil, Cosmo Oil Marketing, Cosmo Energy Exploration & Production, and Maruzen Petrochemical

Human resource development

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Training cost per person 1,000 yen 50 100 134  
Online course usage rate 9 9 13  

Engagement score*15

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Engagement score Point 57 57 60  

*15. Scores on employee awareness survey items (job satisfaction and pride).Cosmo Energy Holdings and the Group's core operating companies (Cosmo Energy Development, Cosmo Oil, and Cosmo Oil Marketing).

Occupational accidents

Occupational accident data*16

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Total occupational accidents Accidents 113 146 138
Occupational accidents (including subcontractors) Lost time Accidents 20 42 40
Non-lost time Accidents 60 74 59
Accidents while commuting Lost time Accidents 12 12 10
Non-lost time Accidents 21 18 29
Number of occupational accident fatalities Number of employees Individuals 0 1 0
Employees of partner companies Individuals 0 0 0
Frequency rate Cosmo Oil (refineries) 0.00 0.49 0.38  
Maruzen Petrochemical 0.00 0.00 0.00  
Severity rate Cosmo Oil (refineries) 0.00 0.04 0.02  
Maruzen Petrochemical 0.00 0.00 0.00  

*16. Cosmo Energy Group companies: 43 companies in total


Compliance violations

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Number of serious legal violations*17 Cases 0 1 0  

*17. Serious legal or regulatory violation: A violation or incident that reaches a crisis level with potential serious negative impact for the Group, as defined by internal regulations

Employee compliance awareness and improvement activities

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Number of awareness survey target employees Individuals 7,848 7,864 7,896  
Number of respondents Individuals 7,339 7,469 7,321  
Response rate 93.5 95.0 92.7  
Target employees for corporate ethics / human rights training Individuals 6,717 6,699 6,790  
Number of participants Individuals 6,716 6,699 6,790  
Participation rate 100 100 100  
Target new line managers for harassment training Individuals 33 29 33  
Number of participants Individuals 33 29 33  
Participation rate 100 100 100  

Fines and penalties related to corruption

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Fine amount Yen 0 0 0