Analysts who have issued reports concerning Cosmo
As of January 2025
Firm(in alphabetical order) | Analyst |
BofA Securities | Takashi Enomoto, Kohei Suga |
Daiwa Securities | Syusaku Nishikawa |
Jefferies Japan | Thanh Ha Pham |
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities | Reiji Ogino |
Mizuho Securities | Norimasa Shinya |
Nomura Securities | Shinichi Yamazaki |
SMBC Nikko Securities | Koji Kamichika |
The above list is provided only for the purposes of informing investors of the names of analysts and related brokerage firms that provide analyses and forecasts of Cosmo's business performance. This list is not intended to induce or recommend the purchase or sale of Cosmo's shares.
This list may not be complete and is subject to change as companies add or delete coverage of Cosmo. Furthermore, it is possible that not all of the information provided by these analysts is current and there may be inconsistencies.
Cosmo does not distribute copies of analysts' reports, and any reliance by investors on these reports is at their own risk.