Social Contribution Activities Policy

Social Contribution Activities Policy

The Cosmo Energy Group Management Vision is, “Striving for an infinite tomorrow, developing sustainably in harmony with humanity, society, and our planet.” As part of our efforts to achieve this vision, we recognize that it is important for the Group to engage actively and continually in social contribution activities. Accordingly, the Cosmo Energy Group Code of Conduct sets out our commitment to contributing to the future of the global environment and the development of the community, and we pursue social contribution activities under the slogan of “Living with Our Planet.” Based on our Management Vision and Code of Conduct, this policy outlines our basic approach to the Group’s social contribution activities.

1. Principles of contribution activity

As a good corporate citizen, we work to contribute to society proactively and continually, from a long-term perspective. We seek to help solve social issues, contribute to a prosperous world, and promote sustainable development.

2. Priority areas

Since energy is a valuable resource of the planet, we have long been contributing to society, with a focus on environmental efforts. We continue to focus on the following areas in order to help build sustainable human societies and global environment.

a) Contributing to global and local environments

  • Working to tackle climate change
  • Restoring and preserving ecosystems (biodiversity)
  • Collaborating with the Cosmo Oil Eco Card Fund

b) Contributing to social development

  • Working to help build recycling-based communities
  • Working to revitalize local communities through Group business activities

c) Nurturing the next generation

  • Providing educational support and learning opportunities

3. Utilization of the Group’s assets and technologies

We effectively utilize the Group’s technologies and resources while fostering close ties with diverse communities and partners.

4. Collaboration with all stakeholders

We emphasize cooperation with stakeholders such as local communities, NPOs, NGOs, and governments. We pursue active communication and collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders.

5. Participation of officers and employees

We are committed to diversity promotion, global environment conservation, and cooperation with local communities, as indicated in our Management Vision and Code of Conduct. We seek to enhance the understanding of each officer and employee, and we expand opportunities for officers and employees to participate in activities designed to help achieve these commitments.

6. Information disclosure and communication

We disclose on our website and in reports the progress and results of efforts based on this policy. Also, we take into account social contribution perspective when conducting marketing and public relations activities.

Established: February 10, 2022