Human Resources Policy
The Cosmo Energy Group Management Vision is, “In striving for harmony and symbiosis between our planet, man and society, the Cosmo Energy Group aims for sustainable growth towards a future of limitless possibilities.” True to our Vision, we embrace the responsibility to ensure that all of our human resources can demonstrate their full potential. The Cosmo Energy Group Code of Conduct expresses our commitment to empowering our human resources and giving them opportunities to improve their skills. This Human Resources Policy is based on our Management Vision and Code of Conduct and outlines our basic approach to human resources.
1. Respecting employee diversity and treating everyone fairly to foster corporate unity
We respect diverse values and strive to build workplaces where all employees are treated fairly regardless of age, gender, nationality, occupation, affiliation, work history, or other identity characteristic, so that everyone can live up their full potential.
2. Rewarding people who demonstrate their full potential with respect to the roles, responsibilities, and goals assigned by the company
We clearly define roles, responsibilities, and goals for each employee and reward employees who demonstrate their full potential.
3. Raising awareness of group-wide business performance
We develop employees who are focused on improving profits and growth for the entire Group, and who can identify relevant challenges and work to resolve them.
4. Encouraging individual growth
We empower individual employees to pursue their desired careers while motivating themselves to enhance their performance by setting work targets and implementing action plans to address their own career development challenges, and we properly evaluate their individual growth.
Established: December 18, 2020
Revised: November 26, 2021