Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

The Cosmo Energy Group Management Vision is, “Striving for an infinite tomorrow, developing sustainably in harmony with humanity, society, and our planet.” True to our Vision, we recognize that climate change and other global environmental issues are among the highest priority challenges for the Group to address. The Cosmo Energy Group Code of Conduct expresses our commitment to work actively and continuously to help preserve the global environment. This Environmental Policy is based on our Management Vision and Code of Conduct and outlines our basic approach to ensuring that all our business activities are conducted in harmony with the environment.

1) Compliance with environmental laws and regulations

We comply with all relevant environmental laws, ordinances and guidelines. In addition, we set our own management standards as necessary and continually strive to improve the level of our environmental management.

2) Mitigation of global warming

We help mitigate climate change by implementing measures to suppress greenhouse gas emissions, reduce energy consumption, and improve energy usage efficiency at all stages of our business activities.

3) Environmental preservation

As a company dealing with finite resources, we strive to preserve and improve environmental resources including water, soil, air, and biodiversity.

4) Effective use of resources

At all stages of our business activities, we work to use resources effectively by reducing, reusing and recycling waste and resources such as water and energy.

5) Environmentally responsible operations

We consider environmental impact during every aspect of business planning and take environmental preservation measures as necessary. To minimize the Group’s environmental impact, we also work to reduce pollutants and waste generated by our business activities, while preventing pollution and leaks of harmful substances.

6) Environmentally responsible products and technologies

We actively develop products with lower environmental impact as well as eco-friendly technologies such as renewable energy business. We promote technology transfers related to energy saving and environmental protection.

7) Communication and education

We actively share this policy with officers, employees, business partners and other stakeholders. We fully educate all of our officers and employees on this policy to ensure that it is properly integrated into the business activities of the entire Group.

8) Dialogue with stakeholders

We maintain dialogue and engage in discussion with relevant stakeholders to address potential and actual impacts on the environment.

9) Information disclosure

We disclose on our website and in reports the progress and results of our environmental efforts based on this policy.

Established: December 21, 2021