Announcement on changes in organization structure
February 10, 2022
Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd.
Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd. announces the changes to the organization structure effective from April 1, 2022. The details are as follows:
<Details on the changes to the structure>
1.New establishment of Planning Dept.
Cosmo Energy Group declared “Net Zero by 2050” on 15th May 2021. Planning Dept. is to be newly established to accelerate progress toward the achievement of this goal and will center upon planning and external affairs besides carbon issues. A specialized group will be set up to draft and promote strategies towards “Net Zero by 2050”.
2.New establishment of Management Dept.
Planning & Management Dept. will be separated into Planning Dept. and Management Dept., so as to strengthen the function that each department will succeed. Management Dept. will focus on budget management and general affairs of the company.
3.Abolition of Planning & Management Dept. and Human Resource & General Affairs Dept.
Planning & Management Dept. will be terminated with the establishment of above departments. Human Resource & General Affairs Dept. will be terminated, and the function of general affairs and personnel will be shifted to Management Dept. and Human Resource Dept. of Cosmo Energy Holdings Co., Ltd. respectively.
<Organization Chart>

(The official language for Cosmo Energy Group's filings with the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Japanese authorities, and for communications with our shareholders, is Japanese. We have posted English versions of some of this information on this website. While these English versions have been prepared in good faith, Cosmo Energy Group does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of the translations, and reference should be made to the original Japanese language materials.)
(Contact details for inquiries)
Public Relations Group, Corporate Communication Dept., Cosmo Energy Holdings Co., Ltd.
TEL +81-3-3798-3101 FAX +81-3-3798-3841